SEC. 2224
Section Summary
ESSA Update
``(a) Subgrants to Eligible Entities.--
``(1) Subgrants.--A State educational agency receiving a
grant under this subpart shall use a portion of the grant funds,
in accordance with clauses (ii) and (iii) of section
2222(d)(2)(D), to award subgrants, on a competitive basis, to
eligible entities to enable the eligible entities to carry out
the authorized activities described in subsections (c) and (d).
``(2) Duration.--The term of a subgrant under this section
shall be determined by the State educational agency awarding the
subgrant and shall in no case exceed 5 years.
``(3) Sufficient size and scope.--A State educational agency
shall award subgrants under this section of sufficient size and
scope to allow the eligible entities to carry out high-quality
comprehensive literacy instruction in each grade level for which
the subgrant funds are provided.
``(4) Local applications.--An eligible entity desiring to
receive a subgrant under this section shall submit an
application to the State educational agency at such time, in
such manner, and containing such information as the State
educational agency may require. Such application shall include,
for each school that the eligible entity identifies as
participating in a subgrant program under this section, the
following information:
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``(A) A description of the eligible entity's needs
assessment conducted to identify how subgrant funds will
be used to inform and improve comprehensive literacy
instruction at the school.
``(B) How the school, the local educational agency,
or a provider of high-quality professional development
will provide ongoing high-quality professional
development to all teachers, principals, other school
leaders, specialized instructional support personnel (as
appropriate), and other instructional leaders served by
the school.
``(C) How the school will identify children in need
of literacy interventions or other support services.
``(D) An explanation of how the school will
integrate comprehensive literacy instruction into a
well-rounded education.
``(E) A description of how the school will
coordinate comprehensive literacy instruction with early
childhood education programs and activities and after-
school programs and activities in the area served by the
local educational agency.
``(b) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the State
educational agency shall give priority to an eligible entity that will
use funds under subsection (c) or (d) to implement evidence-based
activities, defined for the purpose of this subsection as activities
meeting the requirements of section 8101(21)(A)(i).
``(c) Local Uses of Funds for Kindergarten Through Grade 5.--An
eligible entity that receives a subgrant under this section shall use
the subgrant funds to carry out the following activities pertaining to
children in kindergarten through grade 5:
``(1) Developing and implementing a comprehensive literacy
instruction plan across content areas for such children that--
``(A) serves the needs of all children, including
children with disabilities and English learners,
especially children who are reading or writing below
grade level;
``(B) provides intensive, supplemental, accelerated,
and explicit intervention and support in reading and
writing for children whose literacy skills are below
grade level; and
``(C) supports activities that are provided
primarily during the regular school day but that may be
augmented by after-school and out-of-school time
``(2) Providing high-quality professional development
opportunities for teachers, literacy coaches, literacy
specialists, English as a second language specialists (as
appropriate), principals, other school leaders, specialized
instructional support personnel, school librarians,
paraprofessionals, and other program staff.
``(3) Training principals, specialized instructional support
personnel, and other local educational agency personnel to
support, develop, administer, and evaluate high-quality
kindergarten through grade 5 literacy initiatives.
``(4) Coordinating the involvement of early childhood
education program staff, principals, other instructional
leaders, teachers, teacher literacy teams, English as a second
language specialists (as appropriate), special educators, school
personnel, and specialized instructional support personnel (as
[[Page 129 STAT. 1943]]
in the literacy development of children served under this
``(5) Engaging families and encouraging family literacy
experiences and practices to support literacy development.
``(d) Local Uses of Funds for Grades 6 Through 12.--An eligible
entity that receives a subgrant under this section shall use subgrant
funds to carry out the following activities pertaining to children in
grades 6 through 12:
``(1) Developing and implementing a comprehensive literacy
instruction plan described in subsection (c)(1) for children in
grades 6 through 12.
``(2) Training principals, specialized instructional support
personnel, school librarians, and other local educational agency
personnel to support, develop, administer, and evaluate high-
quality comprehensive literacy instruction initiatives for
grades 6 through 12.
``(3) Assessing the quality of adolescent comprehensive
literacy instruction as part of a well-rounded education.
``(4) Providing time for teachers to meet to plan evidence-
based adolescent comprehensive literacy instruction to be
delivered as part of a well-rounded education.
``(5) Coordinating the involvement of principals, other
instructional leaders, teachers, teacher literacy teams, English
as a second language specialists (as appropriate),
paraprofessionals, special educators, specialized instructional
support personnel (as appropriate), and school personnel in the
literacy development of children served under this subsection.
``(e) Allowable Uses.--An eligible entity that receives a subgrant
under this section may, in addition to carrying out the activities
described in subsections (c) and (d), use subgrant funds to carry out
the following activities pertaining to children in kindergarten through
grade 12:
``(1) Recruiting, placing, training, and compensating
literacy coaches.
``(2) Connecting out-of-school learning opportunities to in-
school learning in order to improve children's literacy
``(3) Training families and caregivers to support the
improvement of adolescent literacy.
``(4) Providing for a multi-tier system of supports for
literacy services.
``(5) Forming a school literacy leadership team to help
implement, assess, and identify necessary changes to the
literacy initiatives in 1 or more schools to ensure success.
``(6) Providing time for teachers (and other literacy staff,
as appropriate, such as school librarians or specialized
instructional support personnel) to meet to plan comprehensive
literacy instruction.
Previously not included in NCLB.