SEC. 2002
Section Summary
ESSA Update
``SEC. 2002. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6602.>> DEFINITIONS.
``In this title:
``(1) School leader residency program.--The term `school
leader residency program' means a school-based principal or
other school leader preparation program in which a prospective
principal or other school leader--
``(A) for 1 academic year, engages in sustained and
rigorous clinical learning with substantial leadership
responsibilities and an opportunity to practice and be
evaluated in an authentic school setting; and
``(B) during that academic year--
``(i) participates in evidence-based
coursework, to the extent the State (in
consultation with local educational agencies in
the State) determines that such evidence is
reasonably available, that is integrated with the
clinical residency experience; and
``(ii) receives ongoing support from a mentor
principal or other school leader, who is
``(2) State.--The term `State' means each of the 50 States,
the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
``(3) State authorizer.--The term `State authorizer' means
an entity designated by the Governor of a State to recognize
teacher, principal, or other school leader preparation academies
within the State that--
``(A) enters into an agreement with a teacher,
principal, or other school leader preparation academy
that specifies the goals expected of the academy, as
described in paragraph (4)(A)(i);
``(B) may be a nonprofit organization, State
educational agency, or other public entity, or
consortium of such entities (including a consortium of
States); and
``(C) does not reauthorize a teacher, principal, or
other school leader preparation academy if the academy
fails to produce the minimum number or percentage of
effective teachers or principals or other school
leaders, respectively
[[Page 129 STAT. 1915]]
(as determined by the State), identified in the
academy's authorizing agreement.
``(4) Teacher, principal, or other school leader preparation
academy.--The term `teacher, principal, or other school leader
preparation academy' means a public or other nonprofit entity,
which may be an institution of higher education or an
organization affiliated with an institution of higher education,
that establishes an academy that will prepare teachers,
principals, or other school leaders to serve in high-needs
schools, and that--
``(A) enters into an agreement with a State
authorizer that specifies the goals expected of the
academy, including--
``(i) a requirement that prospective teachers,
principals, or other school leaders who are
enrolled in the academy receive a significant part
of their training through clinical preparation
that partners the prospective candidate with an
effective teacher, principal, or other school
leader, as determined by the State, respectively,
with a demonstrated record of increasing student
academic achievement, including for the subgroups
of students defined in section 1111(c)(2), while
also receiving concurrent instruction from the
academy in the content area (or areas) in which
the prospective teacher, principal, or other
school leader will become certified or licensed
that links to the clinical preparation experience;
``(ii) the number of effective teachers,
principals, or other school leaders, respectively,
who will demonstrate success in increasing student
academic achievement that the academy will
prepare; and
``(iii) a requirement that the academy will
award a certificate of completion (or degree, if
the academy is, or is affiliated with, an
institution of higher education) to a teacher only
after the teacher demonstrates that the teacher is
an effective teacher, as determined by the State,
with a demonstrated record of increasing student
academic achievement either as a student teacher
or teacher-of-record on an alternative
certificate, license, or credential;
``(iv) a requirement that the academy will
award a certificate of completion (or degree, if
the academy is, or is affiliated with, an
institution of higher education) to a principal or
other school leader only after the principal or
other school leader demonstrates a record of
success in improving student performance; and
``(v) timelines for producing cohorts of
graduates and conferring certificates of
completion (or degrees, if the academy is, or is
affiliated with, an institution of higher
education) from the academy;
``(B) does not have unnecessary restrictions on the
methods the academy will use to train prospective
teacher, principal, or other school leader candidates,
``(i) obligating (or prohibiting) the
academy's faculty to hold advanced degrees or
conduct academic research;
[[Page 129 STAT. 1916]]
``(ii) restrictions related to the academy's
physical infrastructure;
``(iii) restrictions related to the number of
course credits required as part of the program of
``(iv) restrictions related to the
undergraduate coursework completed by teachers
teaching or working on alternative certificates,
licenses, or credentials, as long as such teachers
have successfully passed all relevant State-
approved content area examinations; or
``(v) restrictions related to obtaining
accreditation from an accrediting body for
purposes of becoming an academy;
``(C) limits admission to its program to prospective
teacher, principal, or other school leader candidates
who demonstrate strong potential to improve student
academic achievement, based on a rigorous selection
process that reviews a candidate's prior academic
achievement or record of professional accomplishment;
``(D) results in a certificate of completion or
degree that the State may, after reviewing the academy's
results in producing effective teachers, or principals,
or other school leaders, respectively (as determined by
the State) recognize as at least the equivalent of a
master's degree in education for the purposes of hiring,
retention, compensation, and promotion in the State.
``(5) Teacher residency program.--The term `teacher
residency program' means a school-based teacher preparation
program in which a prospective teacher--
``(A) for not less than 1 academic year, teaches
alongside an effective teacher, as determined by the
State or local educational agency, who is the teacher of
record for the classroom;
``(B) receives concurrent instruction during the
year described in subparagraph (A)--
``(i) through courses that may be taught by
local educational agency personnel or by faculty
of the teacher preparation program; and
``(ii) in the teaching of the content area in
which the teacher will become certified or
licensed; and
``(C) acquires effective teaching skills, as
demonstrated through completion of a residency program,
or other measure determined by the State, which may
include a teacher performance assessment.
``SEC. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6602.>> 2102. DEFINITIONS.
``In this part:
``(1) Arts and sciences.--The term `arts and sciences'
``(A) when referring to an organizational unit of an
institution of higher education, any academic unit that
offers one or more academic majors in disciplines or
content areas corresponding to the academic subjects in
which teachers teach; and
``(B) when referring to a specific academic subject,
the disciplines or content areas in which an academic
major is offered by an organizational unit described in
subparagraph (A).
``(2) Charter school.--The term `charter school' has the
meaning given the term in section 5210.
[[Page 115 STAT. 1621]]
``(3) High-need local educational agency.--The term `high-
need local educational agency' means a local educational
``(A)(i) that serves not fewer than 10,000 children
from families with incomes below the poverty line; or
``(ii) for which not less than 20 percent of the
children served by the agency are from families with
incomes below the poverty line; and
``(B)(i) for which there is a high percentage of
teachers not teaching in the academic subjects or grade
levels that the teachers were trained to teach; or
``(ii) for which there is a high percentage of
teachers with emergency, provisional, or temporary
certification or licensing.
``(4) Highly qualified paraprofessional.--The term `highly
qualified paraprofessional' means a paraprofessional who has not
less than 2 years of--
``(A) experience in a classroom; and
``(B) postsecondary education or demonstrated
competence in a field or academic subject for which
there is a significant shortage of qualified teachers.
``(5) Out-of-field teacher.--The term `out-of-field teacher'
means a teacher who is teaching an academic subject or a grade
level for which the teacher is not highly qualified.
``(6) Principal.--The term `principal' includes an assistant