SEC. SEC.4302.
Section Summary
SEC. 4302. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221a.>> PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.
``(a) In General.--The Secretary may carry out a charter school
program that supports charter schools that serve early childhood,
elementary school, or secondary school students by--
``(1) supporting the startup of new charter schools, the
replication of high-quality charter schools, and the expansion
of high-quality charter schools;
``(2) assisting charter schools in accessing credit to
acquire and renovate facilities for school use; and
``(3) carrying out national activities to support--
``(A) the activities described in paragraph (1);
``(B) the dissemination of best practices of charter
schools for all schools;
``(C) the evaluation of the impact of the charter
school program under this part on schools participating
in such program; and
``(D) stronger charter school authorizing practices.
``(b) Funding Allotment.--From the amount made available under
section 4311 for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall--
``(1) reserve 12.5 percent to support charter school
facilities assistance under section 4304;
``(2) reserve 22.5 percent to carry out national activities
under section 4305; and
``(3) use the remaining amount after the reservations under
paragraphs (1) and (2) to carry out section 4303.
``(c) Prior Grants and Subgrants.--The recipient of a grant or
subgrant under part B of title V (as such part was in effect on the day
before the date of enactment of the Every Student
[[Page 129 STAT. 1995]]
Succeeds Act) shall continue to receive funds in accordance with the
terms and conditions of such grant or subgrant.
Previously not included in NCLB.