SEC. 4206
Section Summary
``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this part
$1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2017 and $1,100,000,000 for each of
fiscal years 2018 through 2020.''.
Part C of title IV (20 U.S.C. 7221 et seq.), as redesignated by
section 4001, is amended--
(1) by striking sections <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221, 7221a-
7221d.>> 4301 through 4305, as redesignated by section 4001, and
inserting the following:
``SEC. 4301. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221.>> PURPOSE.
``It is the purpose of this part to--
[[Page 129 STAT. 1994]]
``(1) improve the United States education system and
education opportunities for all people in the United States by
supporting innovation in public education in public school
settings that prepare students to compete and contribute to the
global economy and a stronger Nation;
``(2) provide financial assistance for the planning, program
design, and initial implementation of charter schools;
``(3) increase the number of high-quality charter schools
available to students across the United States;
``(4) evaluate the impact of charter schools on student
achievement, families, and communities, and share best practices
between charter schools and other public schools;
``(5) encourage States to provide support to charter schools
for facilities financing in an amount more nearly commensurate
to the amount States typically provide for traditional public
``(6) expand opportunities for children with disabilities,
English learners, and other traditionally underserved students
to attend charter schools and meet the challenging State
academic standards;
``(7) support efforts to strengthen the charter school
authorizing process to improve performance management, including
transparency, oversight and monitoring (including financial
audits), and evaluation of such schools; and
``(8) support quality, accountability, and transparency in
the operational performance of all authorized public chartering
agencies, including State educational agencies, local
educational agencies, and other authorizing entities.
``SEC. 5201. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221.>> PURPOSE.
``It is the purpose of this subpart to increase national
understanding of the charter schools model by--
``(1) providing financial assistance for the planning,
program design, and initial implementation of charter schools;
``(2) evaluating the effects of such schools, including the
effects on students, student academic achievement, staff, and
``(3) expanding the number of high-quality charter schools
available to students across the Nation; and
``(4) encouraging the States to provide support to charter
schools for facilities financing in an amount more nearly
commensurate to the amount the States have typically provided
for traditional public schools.
``SEC. 5202. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221a.>> PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.
``(a) In General.--The Secretary may award grants to State
educational agencies having applications approved pursuant to section
5203 to enable such agencies to conduct a charter school grant program
in accordance with this subpart.
``(b) Special Rule.--If a State educational agency elects not to
participate in the program authorized by this subpart or does not have
an application approved under section 5203, the Secretary may award a
grant to an eligible applicant that serves such State and has an
application approved pursuant to section 5203(c).
``(c) Program Periods.--
[[Page 115 STAT. 1789]]
``(1) Grants to states.--Grants awarded to State educational
agencies under this subpart shall be for a period of not more
than 3 years.
``(2) Grants to eligible applicants.--Grants awarded by the
Secretary to eligible applicants or subgrants awarded by State
educational agencies to eligible applicants under this subpart
shall be for a period of not more than 3 years, of which the
eligible applicant may use--
``(A) not more than 18 months for planning and
program design;
``(B) not more than 2 years for the initial
implementation of a charter school; and
``(C) not more than 2 years to carry out
dissemination activities described in section
``(d) Limitation.--A charter school may not receive--
``(1) more than one grant for activities described in
subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (c)(2); or
``(2) more than one grant for activities under subparagraph
(C) of subsection (c)(2).
``(e) Priority Treatment.--
``(1) In general.--In awarding grants under this subpart for
fiscal year 2002 or any succeeding fiscal year from any funds
appropriated under section 5211 (other than funds reserved to
carry out section 5205(b)), the Secretary shall give priority to
States to the extent that the States meet the criteria described
in paragraph (2) and one or more of the criteria described in
subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (3).
``(2) Review and evaluation priority criteria.--The criteria
referred to in paragraph (1) are that the State provides for
periodic review and evaluation by the authorized public
chartering agency of each charter school, at least once every 5
years unless required more frequently by State law, to determine
whether the charter school is meeting the terms of the school's
charter, and is meeting or exceeding the student academic
achievement requirements and goals for charter schools as set
forth under State law or the school's charter.
``(3) Priority criteria.--The criteria referred to in
paragraph (1) are the following:
``(A) The State has demonstrated progress, in
increasing the number of high-quality charter schools
that are held accountable in the terms of the schools'
charters for meeting clear and measurable objectives for
the educational progress of the students attending the
schools, in the period prior to the period for which a
State educational agency or eligible applicant applies
for a grant under this subpart.
``(B) The State--
``(i) provides for one authorized public
chartering agency that is not a local educational
agency, such as a State chartering board, for each
individual or entity seeking to operate a charter
school pursuant to such State law; or
``(ii) in the case of a State in which local
educational agencies are the only authorized
public chartering agencies, allows for an appeals
process for the denial of an application for a
charter school.
[[Page 115 STAT. 1790]]
``(C) The State ensures that each charter school has
a high degree of autonomy over the charter school's
budgets and expenditures.
``(f) Amount Criteria.--In determining the amount of a grant to be
awarded under this subpart to a State educational agency, the Secretary
shall take into consideration the number of charter schools that are
operating, or are approved to open, in the State.
``SEC. 5203. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221b.>> APPLICATIONS.
``(a) Applications From State Agencies.--Each State educational
agency desiring a grant from the Secretary under this subpart shall
submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and
containing or accompanied by such information as the Secretary may
``(b) Contents of a State Educational Agency Application.--Each
application submitted pursuant to subsection (a) shall--
``(1) describe the objectives of the State educational
agency's charter school grant program and a description of how
such objectives will be fulfilled, including steps taken by the
State educational agency to inform teachers, parents, and
communities of the State educational agency's charter school
grant program; and
``(2) describe how the State educational agency--
``(A) will inform each charter school in the State
``(i) Federal funds that the charter school is
eligible to receive; and
``(ii) Federal programs in which the charter
school may participate;
``(B) will ensure that each charter school in the
State receives the charter school's commensurate share
of Federal education funds that are allocated by formula
each year, including during the first year of operation
of the charter school; and
``(C) will disseminate best or promising practices
of charter schools to each local educational agency in
the State; and
``(3) contain assurances that the State educational agency
will require each eligible applicant desiring to receive a
subgrant to submit an application to the State educational
agency containing--
``(A) a description of the educational program to be
implemented by the proposed charter school, including--
``(i) how the program will enable all students
to meet challenging State student academic
achievement standards;
``(ii) the grade levels or ages of children to
be served; and
``(iii) the curriculum and instructional
practices to be used;
``(B) a description of how the charter school will
be managed;
``(C) a description of--
``(i) the objectives of the charter school;
[[Page 115 STAT. 1791]]
``(ii) the methods by which the charter school
will determine its progress toward achieving those
``(D) a description of the administrative
relationship between the charter school and the
authorized public chartering agency;
``(E) a description of how parents and other members
of the community will be involved in the planning,
program design, and implementation of the charter
``(F) a description of how the authorized public
chartering agency will provide for continued operation
of the school once the Federal grant has expired, if
such agency determines that the school has met the
objectives described in subparagraph (C)(i);
``(G) a request and justification for waivers of any
Federal statutory or regulatory provisions that the
eligible applicant believes are necessary for the
successful operation of the charter school, and a
description of any State or local rules, generally
applicable to public schools, that will be waived for,
or otherwise not apply to, the school;
``(H) a description of how the subgrant funds or
grant funds, as appropriate, will be used, including a
description of how such funds will be used in
conjunction with other Federal programs administered by
the Secretary;
``(I) a description of how students in the community
will be--
``(i) informed about the charter school; and
``(ii) given an equal opportunity to attend
the charter school;
``(J) an assurance that the eligible applicant will
annually provide the Secretary and the State educational
agency such information as may be required to determine
if the charter school is making satisfactory progress
toward achieving the objectives described in
subparagraph (C)(i);
``(K) an assurance that the eligible applicant will
cooperate with the Secretary and the State educational
agency in evaluating the program assisted under this
``(L) a description of how a charter school that is
considered a local educational agency under State law,
or a local educational agency in which a charter school
is located, will comply with sections 613(a)(5) and
613(e)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act;
``(M) if the eligible applicant desires to use
subgrant funds for dissemination activities under
section 5202(c)(2)(C), a description of those activities
and how those activities will involve charter schools
and other public schools, local educational agencies,
developers, and potential developers; and
``(N) such other information and assurances as the
Secretary and the State educational agency may require.
``(c) Eligible Applicant Application.--Each eligible applicant
desiring a grant pursuant to section 5202(b) shall submit an application
to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such
information as the Secretary may reasonably require.
``(d) Contents of Eligible Applicant Application.--Each application
submitted pursuant to subsection (c) shall contain--
[[Page 115 STAT. 1792]]
``(1) the information and assurances described in
subparagraphs (A) through (N) of subsection (b)(3), except that
for purposes of this subsection subparagraphs (J), (K), and (N)
of such subsection shall be applied by striking `and the State
educational agency' each place such term appears;
``(2) assurances that the State educational agency--
``(A) will grant, or will obtain, waivers of State
statutory or regulatory requirements; and
``(B) will assist each subgrantee in the State in
receiving a waiver under section 5204(e); and
``(3) assurances that the eligible applicant has provided
its authorized public chartering authority timely notice, and a
copy, of the application, except that the State educational
agency (or the Secretary, in the case of an application
submitted to the Secretary) may waive the requirement of this
paragraph in the case of an application for a precharter
planning grant or subgrant if the authorized public chartering
authority to which a charter school proposal will be submitted
has not been determined at the time the grant or subgrant
application is submitted.
``SEC. 5204. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221c.>> ADMINISTRATION.
``(a) Selection Criteria for State Educational Agencies.--The
Secretary shall award grants to State educational agencies under this
subpart on the basis of the quality of the applications submitted under
section 5203(b), after taking into consideration such factors as--
``(1) the contribution that the charter schools grant
program will make to assisting educationally disadvantaged and
other students in meeting State academic content standards and
State student academic achievement standards;
``(2) the degree of flexibility afforded by the State
educational agency to charter schools under the State's charter
schools law;
``(3) the ambitiousness of the objectives for the State
charter school grant program;
``(4) the quality of the strategy for assessing achievement
of those objectives;
``(5) the likelihood that the charter school grant program
will meet those objectives and improve educational results for
``(6) the number of high-quality charter schools created
under this subpart in the State; and
``(7) in the case of State educational agencies that propose
to use grant funds to support dissemination activities under
subsection (f)(6)(B), the quality of those activities and the
likelihood that those activities will improve student academic
``(b) Selection Criteria for Eligible Applicants.--The Secretary
shall award grants to eligible applicants under this subpart on the
basis of the quality of the applications submitted under section
5203(c), after taking into consideration such factors as--
``(1) the quality of the proposed curriculum and
instructional practices;
``(2) the degree of flexibility afforded by the State
educational agency and, if applicable, the local educational
agency to the charter school;
[[Page 115 STAT. 1793]]
``(3) the extent of community support for the application;
``(4) the ambitiousness of the objectives for the charter
``(5) the quality of the strategy for assessing achievement
of those objectives;
``(6) the likelihood that the charter school will meet those
objectives and improve educational results for students; and
``(7) in the case of an eligible applicant that proposes to
use grant funds to support dissemination activities under
subsection (f)(6)(B), the quality of those activities and the
likelihood that those activities will improve student
``(c) Peer Review.--The Secretary, and each State educational agency
receiving a grant under this subpart, shall use a peer review process to
review applications for assistance under this subpart.
``(d) Diversity of Projects.--The Secretary and each State
educational agency receiving a grant under this subpart, shall award
grants and subgrants under this subpart in a manner that, to the extent
possible, ensures that such grants and subgrants--
``(1) are distributed throughout different areas of the
Nation and each State, including urban and rural areas; and
``(2) will assist charter schools representing a variety of
educational approaches, such as approaches designed to reduce
school size.
``(e) Waivers.--The Secretary may waive any statutory or regulatory
requirement over which the Secretary exercises administrative authority
except any such requirement relating to the elements of a charter school
described in section 5210(1), if--
``(1) the waiver is requested in an approved application
under this subpart; and
``(2) the Secretary determines that granting such a waiver
will promote the purpose of this subpart.
``(f) Use of Funds.--
``(1) State educational agencies.--Each State educational
agency receiving a grant under this subpart shall use such grant
funds to award subgrants to one or more eligible applicants in
the State to enable such applicant to plan and implement a
charter school in accordance with this subpart, except that the
State educational agency may reserve not more than 10 percent of
the grant funds to support dissemination activities described in
paragraph (6).
``(2) Eligible applicants.--Each eligible applicant
receiving funds from the Secretary or a State educational agency
shall use such funds to plan and implement a charter school, or
to disseminate information about the charter school and
successful practices in the charter school, in accordance with
this subpart.
``(3) Allowable activities.--An eligible applicant receiving
a grant or subgrant under this subpart may use the grant or
subgrant funds only for--
(A) post-award planning and design of the
educational program, which may include--
``(i) refinement of the desired educational
results and of the methods for measuring progress
toward achieving those results; and
``(ii) professional development of teachers
and other staff who will work in the charter
school; and
[[Page 115 STAT. 1794]]
``(B) initial implementation of the charter school,
which may include--
``(i) informing the community about the
``(ii) acquiring necessary equipment and
educational materials and supplies;
``(iii) acquiring or developing curriculum
materials; and
``(iv) other initial operational costs that
cannot be met from State or local sources.
``(4) Administrative expenses.--
``(A) State educational agency administrative
expenses.--Each State educational agency receiving a
grant pursuant to this subpart may reserve not more than
5 percent of such grant funds for administrative
expenses associated with the charter school grant
program assisted under this subpart.
``(B) Local administrative expenses.--A local
educational agency may not deduct funds for
administrative fees or expenses from a subgrant awarded
to an eligible applicant, unless the eligible applicant
enters voluntarily into a mutually agreed upon
arrangement for administrative services with the
relevant local educational agency. Absent such approval,
the local educational agency shall distribute all such
subgrant funds to the eligible applicant without delay.
``(5) Revolving loan funds.--Each State educational agency
receiving a grant pursuant to this subpart may reserve not more
than 10 percent of the grant funds for the establishment of a
revolving loan fund. Such fund may be used to make loans to
eligible applicants that have received a subgrant under this
subpart, under such terms as may be determined by the State
educational agency, for the initial operation of the charter
school grant program of the eligible applicant until such time
as the recipient begins receiving ongoing operational support
from State or local financing sources.
``(6) Dissemination.--
``(A) In general.--A charter school may apply for
funds under this subpart, whether or not the charter
school has applied for or received funds under this
subpart for planning, program design, or implementation,
to carry out the activities described in subparagraph
(B) if the charter school has been in operation for at
least 3 consecutive years and has demonstrated overall
success, including--
``(i) substantial progress in improving
student academic achievement;
``(ii) high levels of parent satisfaction; and
``(iii) the management and leadership
necessary to overcome initial start-up problems
and establish a thriving, financially viable
charter school.
``(B) Activities.--A charter school described in
subparagraph (A) may use funds reserved under paragraph
(1) to assist other schools in adapting the charter
school's program (or certain aspects of the charter
school's program), or to disseminate information about
the charter school, through such activities as--
``(i) assisting other individuals with the
planning and start-up of one or more new public
[[Page 115 STAT. 1795]]
including charter schools, that are independent of
the assisting charter school and the assisting
charter school's developers, and that agree to be
held to at least as high a level of accountability
as the assisting charter school;
``(ii) developing partnerships with other
public schools, including charter schools,
designed to improve student academic achievement
in each of the schools participating in the
``(iii) developing curriculum materials,
assessments, and other materials that promote
increased student achievement and are based on
successful practices within the assisting charter
school; and
``(iv) conducting evaluations and developing
materials that document the successful practices
of the assisting charter school and that are
designed to improve student performance in other
``(g) Tribally Controlled Schools.--Each State that receives a grant
under this subpart and designates a tribally controlled school as a
charter school shall not consider payments to a school under the
Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988 (25 U.S.C. 2507) in
``(1) the eligibility of the school to receive any other
Federal, State, or local aid; or
``(2) the amount of such aid.
``SEC. 5205. <<NOTE: 20 USC 7221d.>> NATIONAL ACTIVITIES.
``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall reserve for each fiscal year
the greater of 5 percent or $5,000,000 of the amount appropriated to
carry out this subpart, except that in no fiscal year shall the total
amount so reserved exceed $8,000,000, to carry out the following
``(1) To provide charter schools, either directly or through
State educational agencies, with--
``(A) information regarding--
``(i) Federal funds that charter schools are
eligible to receive; and
``(ii) other Federal programs in which charter
schools may participate; and
``(B) assistance in applying for Federal education
funds that are allocated by formula, including
assistance with filing deadlines and submission of
``(2) To provide for other evaluations or studies that
include the evaluation of the impact of charter schools on
student academic achievement, including information regarding--
``(A) students attending charter schools reported on
the basis of race, age, disability, gender, limited
English proficiency, and previous enrollment in public
school; and
``(B) the professional qualifications of teachers
within a charter school and the turnover of the teaching
``(3) To provide--
``(A) information to applicants for assistance under
this subpart;
``(B) assistance to applicants for assistance under
this subpart with the preparation of applications under
section 5203;
[[Page 115 STAT. 1796]]
``(C) assistance in the planning and startup of
charter schools;
``(D) training and technical assistance to existing
charter schools; and
``(E) for the dissemination to other public schools
of best or promising practices in charter schools.
``(4) To provide (including through the use of one or more
contracts that use a competitive bidding process) for the
collection of information regarding the financial resources
available to charter schools, including access to private
capital, and to widely disseminate to charter schools any such
relevant information and model descriptions of successful
``(5) To carry out evaluations of, technical assistance for,
and information dissemination regarding, the per-pupil
facilities aid programs. In carrying out the evaluations, the
Secretary may carry out one or more evaluations of State
programs assisted under this subsection, which shall, at a
minimum, address--
``(A) how, and the extent to which, the programs
promote educational equity and excellence; and
``(B) the extent to which charter schools supported
through the programs are--
``(i) held accountable to the public;
``(ii) effective in improving public
education; and
``(iii) open and accessible to all students.
``(b) Per-Pupil Facilities Aid Programs.--
``(1) Definition of per-pupil facilities aid program.--In
this subsection, the term `per-pupil facilities aid program'
means a program in which a State makes payments, on a per-pupil
basis, to charter schools to provide the schools with
``(A) that is dedicated solely for funding charter
school facilities; or
``(B) a portion of which is dedicated for funding
charter school facilities.
``(2) Grants.--
``(A) In general.--From the amount made available to
carry out this subsection under paragraphs (2) and
(3)(B) of section 5211(b) for any fiscal year, the
Secretary shall make grants, on a competitive basis, to
States to pay for the Federal share of the cost of
establishing or enhancing, and administering per-pupil
facilities aid programs.
``(B) Period.--The Secretary shall award grants
under this subsection for periods of not more than 5
``(C) Federal share.--The Federal share of the cost
described in subparagraph (A) for a per-pupil facilities
aid program shall be not more than--
``(i) 90 percent of the cost, for the first
fiscal year for which the program receives
assistance under this subsection;
``(ii) 80 percent in the second such year;
``(iii) 60 percent in the third such year;
``(iv) 40 percent in the fourth such year; and
``(v) 20 percent in the fifth such year.
``(3) Use of funds.--
``(A) In general.--A State that receives a grant
under this subsection shall use the funds made available
[[Page 115 STAT. 1797]]
the grant to establish or enhance, and administer, a
per-pupil facilities aid program for charter schools in
the State.
``(B) Evaluations; technical assistance;
dissemination.--From the amount made available to a
State through a grant under this subsection for a fiscal
year, the State may reserve not more than 5 percent to
carry out evaluations, to provide technical assistance,
and to disseminate information.
``(C) Supplement, not supplant.--Funds made
available under this subsection shall be used to
supplement, and not supplant, State and local public
funds expended to provide per pupil facilities aid
programs, operations financing programs, or other
programs, for charter schools.
``(4) Requirements.--
``(A) Voluntary participation.--No State may be
required to participate in a program carried out under
this subsection.
``(B) State law.--To be eligible to receive a grant
under this subsection, a State shall establish or
enhance, and administer, a per-pupil facilities aid
program for charter schools in the State, that--
``(i) is specified in State law; and
``(ii) provides annual financing, on a per-
pupil basis, for charter school facilities.
``(5) Applications.--To be eligible to receive a grant under
this subsection, a State shall submit an application to the
Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such
information as the Secretary may require.
``(6) Priorities.--In making grants under this subsection,
the Secretary shall give priority to States that meet the
criteria described in paragraph (2), and subparagraphs (A), (B),
and (C) of paragraph (3), of section 5202(e).
``(c) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
construed to require charter schools to collect any data described in
subsection (a).