SEC. 4107
Section Summary
ESSA Update
``(a) In General.--Subject to section 4106(f), each local
educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, that receives an
allocation under section 4105(a) shall use a portion of such funds to
develop and implement programs and activities that support access to a
well-rounded education and that--
``(1) are coordinated with other schools and community-based
services and programs;
``(2) may be conducted in partnership with an institution of
higher education, business, nonprofit organization, community-
based organization, or other public or private entity with a
demonstrated record of success in implementing activities under
this section; and
``(3) may include programs and activities, such as--
``(A) college and career guidance and counseling
programs, such as--
``(i) postsecondary education and career
awareness and exploration activities;
``(ii) training counselors to effectively use
labor market information in assisting students
with postsecondary education and career planning;
``(iii) financial literacy and Federal
financial aid awareness activities;
``(B) programs and activities that use music and the
arts as tools to support student success through the
promotion of constructive student engagement, problem
solving, and conflict resolution;
``(C) programming and activities to improve
instruction and student engagement in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics, including
computer science, (referred to in this section as `STEM
subjects') such as--
``(i) increasing access for students through
grade 12 who are members of groups
underrepresented in such subject fields, such as
female students, minority students, English
learners, children with disabilities, and
economically disadvantaged students, to high-
quality courses;
``(ii) supporting the participation of low-
income students in nonprofit competitions related
to STEM subjects (such as robotics, science
research, invention, mathematics, computer
science, and technology competitions);
``(iii) providing hands-on learning and
exposure to science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics and supporting the use of field-based
or service learning to enhance the students'
understanding of the STEM subjects;
``(iv) supporting the creation and enhancement
of STEM-focused specialty schools;
``(v) facilitating collaboration among school,
after-school program, and informal program
personnel to
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improve the integration of programming and
instruction in the identified subjects; and
``(vi) integrating other academic subjects,
including the arts, into STEM subject programs to
increase participation in STEM subjects, improve
attainment of skills related to STEM subjects, and
promote well-rounded education;
``(D) efforts to raise student academic achievement
through accelerated learning programs described in
section 4104(b)(3)(A)(i)(IV), such as--
``(i) reimbursing low-income students to cover
part or all of the costs of accelerated learning
examination fees, if the low-income students are
enrolled in accelerated learning courses and plan
to take accelerated learning examinations; or
``(ii) increasing the availability of, and
enrollment in, accelerated learning courses,
accelerated learning examinations, dual or
concurrent enrollment programs, and early college
high school courses;
``(E) activities to promote the development,
implementation, and strengthening of programs to teach
traditional American history, civics, economics,
geography, or government education;
``(F) foreign language instruction;
``(G) environmental education;
``(H) programs and activities that promote
volunteerism and community involvement;
``(I) programs and activities that support
educational programs that integrate multiple
disciplines, such as programs that combine arts and
mathematics; or
``(J) other activities and programs to support
student access to, and success in, a variety of well-
rounded education experiences.
``(b) Special Rule.--A local educational agency, or consortium of
such agencies, that receives a subgrant under this subpart for fiscal
year 2017 may use such funds to cover part or all of the fees for
accelerated learning examinations taken by low-income students during
the 2016-2017 school year, in accordance with subsection (a)(3)(D).
Previously not included in NCLB.