SEC. 2232
Section Summary
ESSA Update
``(a) In General.--From the amounts reserved under section
2231(b)(1) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall award not more than 12
grants, on a competitive basis, to--
``(1) eligible entities to establish Presidential Academies
for the Teaching of American History and Civics (in this section
referred to as the `Presidential Academies') in accordance with
subsection (e); and
``(2) eligible entities to establish Congressional Academies
for Students of American History and Civics (in this section
referred to as the `Congressional Academies') in accordance with
subsection (f).
``(b) Application.--An eligible entity that desires to receive a
grant under subsection (a) shall submit an application to the Secretary
at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may reasonably require.
``(c) Eligible Entity.--The term `eligible entity' under this
section means--
``(1) an institution of higher education or nonprofit
educational organization, museum, library, or research center
with demonstrated expertise in historical methodology or the
teaching of American history and civics; or
``(2) a consortium of entities described in paragraph (1).
``(d) Grant Terms.--Grants awarded to eligible entities under
subsection (a) shall be for a term of not more than 5 years.
``(e) Presidential Academies.--
``(1) Use of funds.--Each eligible entity that receives a
grant under subsection (a)(1) shall use the grant funds to
establish a Presidential Academy that offers a seminar or
institute for teachers of American history and civics, which--
``(A) provides intensive professional development
opportunities for teachers of American history and
civics to strengthen such teachers' knowledge of the
subjects of American history and civics;
[[Page 129 STAT. 1946]]
``(B) is led by a team of primary scholars and core
teachers who are accomplished in the field of American
history and civics;
``(C) is conducted during the summer or other
appropriate time; and
``(D) is of not less than 2 weeks and not more than
6 weeks in duration.
``(2) Selection of teachers.--Each year, each Presidential
Academy shall select between 50 and 300 teachers of American
history and civics from public or private elementary schools and
secondary schools to attend the seminar or institute under
paragraph (1).
``(3) Teacher stipends.--Each teacher selected to
participate in a seminar or institute under this subsection
shall be awarded a fixed stipend based on the length of the
seminar or institute to ensure that such teacher does not incur
personal costs associated with the teacher's participation in
the seminar or institute.
``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under subsection (a)(1),
the Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities that
coordinate or align their activities with the National Park
Service National Centennial Parks initiative to develop
innovative and comprehensive programs using the resources of the
National Parks.
``(f) Congressional Academies.--
``(1) Use of funds.--Each eligible entity that receives a
grant under subsection (a)(2) shall use the grant funds to
establish a Congressional Academy that offers a seminar or
institute for outstanding students of American history and
civics, which--
``(A) broadens and deepens such students'
understanding of American history and civics;
``(B) is led by a team of primary scholars and core
teachers who are accomplished in the field of American
history and civics;
``(C) is conducted during the summer or other
appropriate time; and
``(D) is of not less than 2 weeks and not more than
6 weeks in duration.
``(2) Selection of students.--
``(A) In general.--Each year, each Congressional
Academy shall select between 100 and 300 eligible
students to attend the seminar or institute under
paragraph (1).
``(B) Eligible students.--A student shall be
eligible to attend a seminar or institute offered by a
Congressional Academy under this subsection if the
``(i) is recommended by the student's
secondary school principal or other school leader
to attend the seminar or institute; and
``(ii) will be a secondary school junior or
senior in the academic year following attendance
at the seminar or institute.
``(3) Student stipends.--Each student selected to
participate in a seminar or institute under this subsection
shall be awarded a fixed stipend based on the length of the
seminar or institute to ensure that such student does not incur
[[Page 129 STAT. 1947]]
costs associated with the student's participation in the seminar
or institute.
``(g) Matching Funds.--
``(1) In general.--An eligible entity that receives funds
under subsection (a) shall provide, toward the cost of the
activities assisted under the grant, from non-Federal sources,
an amount equal to 100 percent of the amount of the grant.
``(2) Waiver.--The Secretary may waive all or part of the
matching requirement described in paragraph (1) for any fiscal
year for an eligible entity if the Secretary determines that
applying the matching requirement would result in serious
hardship or an inability to carry out the activities described
in subsection (e) or (f).
``Subpart 3--Civic Education <<NOTE: Education for Democracy Act.>>
``SEC. 2341. SHORT TITLE. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6711.>>
``This subpart may be cited as the `Education for Democracy Act'.
``SEC. 2342. PURPOSE. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6712.>>
``It is the purpose of this subpart--
``(1) to improve the quality of civics and government
education by educating students about the history and principles
of the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of
``(2) to foster civic competence and responsibility; and
``(3) to improve the quality of civic education and economic
education through cooperative civic education and economic
education exchange programs with emerging democracies.
``SEC. 2343. GENERAL AUTHORITY. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6713.>>
``(a) Authority.--The Secretary is authorized to award grants to, or
enter into contracts with--
``(1) the Center for Civic Education, to carry out civic
education activities under sections 2344 and 2345;
``(2) the National Council on Economic Education, to carry
out economic education activities under section 2345; and
``(3) organizations experienced in the development of
curricula and programs in civics and government education and
economic education for students in elementary schools and
secondary schools in countries other than the United States, to
carry out civic education activities under section 2345.
``(b) Distribution for Cooperative Civic Education and Economic
Education Exchange Programs.--
``(1) Limitation.--Not more than 40 percent of the amount
appropriated under section 2346 for a fiscal year shall be used
to carry out section 2345.
``(2) Distribution.--Of the amount used to carry out section
2345 for a fiscal year (consistent with paragraph (1)), the
Secretary shall use--
``(A) 37.5 percent for a grant or contract for the
Center for Civic Education;
``(B) 37.5 percent for a grant or contract for the
National Council on Economic Education; and
[[Page 115 STAT. 1663]]
``(C) 25 percent for not less than 1, but not more
than 3, grants or contracts for organizations described
in subsection (a)(3).
``SEC. 2344. WE THE PEOPLE PROGRAM. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6714.>>
``(a) The Citizen and the Constitution.--
``(1) Educational activities.--The Center for Civic
``(A) shall use funds made available under grants or
contracts under section 2343(a)(1)--
``(i) to continue and expand the educational
activities of the program entitled the `We the
People . . . The Citizen and the Constitution'
program administered by such center;
``(ii) to carry out activities to enhance
student attainment of challenging academic content
standards in civics and government;
``(iii) to provide a course of instruction on
the basic principles of the Nation's
constitutional democracy and the history of the
Constitution of the United States, including the
Bill of Rights;
``(iv) to provide, at the request of a
participating school, school and community
simulated congressional hearings following the
course of instruction described in clause (iii);
``(v) to provide an annual national
competition of simulated congressional hearings
for secondary school students who wish to
participate in such a program; and
``(B) may use funds made available under grants or
contracts under section 2343(a)(1)--
``(i) to provide advanced, sustained, and
ongoing training of teachers about the
Constitution of the United States and the
political system of the United States;
``(ii) to provide materials and methods of
instruction, including teacher training, that
utilize the latest advancements in educational
technology; and
``(iii) to provide civic education materials
and services to address specific problems such as
the prevention of school violence and the abuse of
drugs and alcohol.
``(2) Availability of program.--The education program
authorized under this subsection shall be made available to
public and private elementary schools and secondary schools,
including Bureau funded schools, in the 435 congressional
districts, and in the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American
Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
``(b) Project Citizen.--
``(1) Educational activities.--The Center for Civic
``(A) shall use funds made available under grants or
contracts under section 2343(a)(1)--
``(i) to continue and expand the educational
activities of the program entitled the `We the
People . . . Project Citizen' program administered
by the Center;
[[Page 115 STAT. 1664]]
``(ii) to carry out activities to enhance
student attainment of challenging academic content
standards in civics and government;
``(iii) to provide a course of instruction at
the middle school level on the roles of State and
local governments in the Federal system
established by the Constitution of the United
States; and
``(iv) to provide an annual national showcase
or competition; and
``(B) may use funds made available under grants or
contracts under section 2343(a)(1)--
``(i) to provide optional school and community
simulated State legislative hearings;
``(ii) to provide advanced, sustained, and
ongoing training of teachers on the roles of State
and local governments in the Federal system
established by the Constitution of the United
``(iii) to provide materials and methods of
instruction, including teacher training, that
utilize the latest advancements in educational
technology; and
``(iv) to provide civic education materials
and services to address specific problems such as
the prevention of school violence and the abuse of
drugs and alcohol.
``(2) Availability of program.--The education program
authorized under this subsection shall be made available to
public and private middle schools, including Bureau funded
schools, in the 50 States of the United States, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands.
``(c) Bureau-Funded School Defined.--In this section, the term
`Bureau-funded school' has the meaning given such term in section 1146
of the Education Amendments of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 2026).
``(a) Cooperative Education Exchange Programs.--The Center for Civic
Education, the National Council on Economic Education, and organizations
described in section 2343(a)(3) shall use funds made available under
grants or contracts under section 2343 to carry out cooperative
education exchange programs in accordance with this section.
``(b) Purpose.--The purpose of the cooperative education exchange
programs carried out under this section shall be--
``(1) to make available to educators from eligible countries
exemplary curriculum and teacher training programs in civics and
government education, and economics education, developed in the
United States;
``(2) to assist eligible countries in the adaptation,
implementation, and institutionalization of such programs;
``(3) to create and implement civics and government
education, and economic education, programs for students that
draw upon the experiences of the participating eligible
``(4) to provide a means for the exchange of ideas and
experiences in civics and government education, and economic
[[Page 115 STAT. 1665]]
education, among political, educational, governmental, and
private sector leaders of participating eligible countries; and
``(5) to provide support for--
``(A) independent research and evaluation to
determine the effects of educational programs on
students' development of the knowledge, skills, and
traits of character essential for the preservation and
improvement of constitutional democracy; and
``(B) effective participation in, and the
preservation and improvement of, an efficient market
``(c) Activities.--In carrying out the cooperative education
exchange programs assisted under this section, the Center for Civic
Education, the National Council on Economic Education, and organizations
described in section 2343(a)(3) shall--
``(1) provide to the participants from eligible countries--
``(A) seminars on the basic principles of United
States constitutional democracy and economic system,
including seminars on the major governmental and
economic institutions and systems in the United States,
and visits to such institutions;
``(B) visits to school systems, institutions of
higher education, and nonprofit organizations conducting
exemplary programs in civics and government education,
and economic education, in the United States;
``(C) translations and adaptations with respect to
United States civics and government education, and
economic education, curricular programs for students and
teachers, and in the case of training programs for
teachers, translations and adaptations into forms useful
in schools in eligible countries, and joint research
projects in such areas; and
``(D) independent research and evaluation
``(i) to determine the effects of the
cooperative education exchange programs on
students' development of the knowledge, skills,
and traits of character essential for the
preservation and improvement of constitutional
democracy; and
``(ii) to identify effective participation in,
and the preservation and improvement of, an
efficient market economy;
``(2) provide to the participants from the United States--
``(A) seminars on the histories, economies, and
systems of government of eligible countries;
``(B) visits to school systems, institutions of
higher education, and organizations conducting exemplary
programs in civics and government education, and
economic education, located in eligible countries;
``(C) assistance from educators and scholars in
eligible countries in the development of curricular
materials on the history, government, and economy of
such countries that are useful in United States
``(D) opportunities to provide onsite demonstrations
of United States curricula and pedagogy for educational
leaders in eligible countries; and
``(E) independent research and evaluation assistance
to determine--
[[Page 115 STAT. 1666]]
``(i) the effects of the cooperative education
exchange programs assisted under this section on
students' development of the knowledge, skills,
and traits of character essential for the
preservation and improvement of constitutional
democracy; and
``(ii) effective participation in, and
improvement of, an efficient market economy; and
``(3) assist participants from eligible countries and the
United States to participate in international conferences on
civics and government education, and economic education, for
educational leaders, teacher trainers, scholars in related
disciplines, and educational policymakers.
``(d) Participants.--The primary participants in the cooperative
education exchange programs assisted under this section shall be
educational leaders in the areas of civics and government education, and
economic education, including teachers, curriculum and teacher training
specialists, scholars in relevant disciplines, and educational
policymakers, and government and private sector leaders from the United
States and eligible countries.
``(e) Consultation.--The Secretary may award a grant to, or enter
into a contract with, the entities described in section 2343 to carry
out programs assisted under this section only if the Secretary of State
concurs with the Secretary that such grant, or contract, respectively,
is consistent with the foreign policy of the United States.
``(f) Avoidance of Duplication.--With the concurrence of the
Secretary of State, the Secretary shall ensure that--
``(1) the activities carried out under the programs assisted
under this section are not duplicative of other activities
conducted in eligible countries; and
``(2) any institutions in eligible countries, with which the
Center for Civic Education, the National Council on Economic
Education, or organizations described in section 2343(a)(3) may
work in conducting such activities, are creditable.
``(g) Eligible Country Defined.--In this section, the term `eligible
country' means a Central European country, an Eastern European country,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the independent states of the former Soviet
Union as defined in section 3 of the FREEDOM Support Act (22 U.S.C.
5801), the Republic of Ireland, the province of Northern Ireland in the
United Kingdom, and any developing country (as such term is defined in
section 209(d) of the Education for the Deaf Act) if the Secretary, with
the concurrence of the Secretary of State, determines that such
developing country has a democratic form of government.
``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subpart
$30,000,000 for fiscal year 2002 and such sums as may be necessary for
each of the 5 succeeding fiscal years.
``Subpart 4--Teaching of Traditional American History
``(a) In General.--The Secretary may establish and implement a
program to be known as the `Teaching American History Grant
[[Page 115 STAT. 1667]]
Program', under which the Secretary shall award grants on a competitive
basis to local educational agencies--
``(1) to carry out activities to promote the teaching of
traditional American history in elementary schools and secondary
schools as a separate academic subject (not as a component of
social studies); and
``(2) for the development, implementation, and strengthening
of programs to teach traditional American history as a separate
academic subject (not as a component of social studies) within
elementary school and secondary school curricula, including the
implementation of activities--
``(A) to improve the quality of instruction; and
``(B) to provide professional development and
teacher education activities with respect to American
``(b) Required Partnership.--A local educational agency that
receives a grant under subsection (a) shall carry out activities under
the grant in partnership with one or more of the following:
``(1) An institution of higher education.
``(2) A nonprofit history or humanities organization.
``(3) A library or museum.
``(c) Application.--To be eligible to receive an grant under this
section, a local educational agency shall submit an application to the
Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information
as the Secretary may require.
``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subpart
such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2002 and each of the 5
succeeding fiscal years.
``Subpart 5--Teacher Liability Protection <<NOTE: Paul D. Coverdell
Teacher Protection Act of 2001.>>