SEC. 2222
Section Summary
ESSA Update
``(a) Grants Authorized.--From the amounts reserved by the Secretary
under section 2201(2) and not reserved under subsection (b), the
Secretary shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to State
educational agencies to enable the State educational agencies to--
``(1) provide subgrants to eligible entities serving a
diversity of geographic areas, giving priority to entities
serving greater numbers or percentages of children from low-
income families; and
``(2) develop or enhance comprehensive literacy instruction
plans that ensure high-quality instruction and effective
strategies in reading and writing for children from early
childhood education through grade 12, including English learners
and children with disabilities.
``(b) Reservation.--From the amounts reserved to carry out this
subpart for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve--
``(1) not more than a total of 5 percent for national
activities, including a national evaluation, technical
assistance and training, data collection, and reporting;
``(2) one half of 1 percent for the Secretary of the
Interior to carry out a program described in this subpart at
schools operated or funded by the Bureau of Indian Education;
``(3) one half of 1 percent for the outlying areas to carry
out a program under this subpart.
``(c) Duration of Grants.--A grant awarded under this subpart shall
be for a period of not more than 5 years total. Such grant may be
renewed for an additional 2-year period upon the termination of the
initial period of the grant if the grant recipient demonstrates to the
satisfaction of the Secretary that--
``(1) the State has made adequate progress; and
``(2) renewing the grant for an additional 2-year period is
necessary to carry out the objectives of the grant described in
subsection (d).
``(d) State Applications.--
``(1) In general.--A State educational agency desiring a
grant under this subpart shall submit an application to the
Secretary, at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may
require. The State educational agency shall collaborate with the
State agency responsible for administering early childhood
education programs and the State agency responsible for
administering child care programs in the State in writing and
implementing the early childhood education portion of the grant
application under this subsection.
``(2) Contents.--An application described in paragraph (1)
shall include, at a minimum, the following:
``(A) A needs assessment that analyzes literacy
needs across the State and in high-need schools and
local educational agencies that serve high-need schools,
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identifying the most significant gaps in literacy
proficiency and inequities in student access to
effective teachers of literacy, considering each of the
subgroups of students, as defined in section 1111(c)(2).
``(B) A description of how the State educational
agency, in collaboration with the State literacy team,
if applicable, will develop a State comprehensive
literacy instruction plan or will revise and update an
already existing State comprehensive literacy
instruction plan.
``(C) An implementation plan that includes a
description of how the State educational agency will
carry out the State activities described in subsection
``(D) An assurance that the State educational agency
will use implementation grant funds described in
subsection (f)(1) for comprehensive literacy instruction
programs as follows:
``(i) Not less than 15 percent of such grant
funds shall be used for State and local programs
and activities pertaining to children from birth
through kindergarten entry.
``(ii) Not less than 40 percent of such grant
funds shall be used for State and local programs
and activities, allocated equitably among the
grades of kindergarten through grade 5.
``(iii) Not less than 40 percent of such grant
funds shall be used for State and local programs
and activities, allocated equitably among grades 6
through 12.
``(E) An assurance that the State educational agency
will give priority in awarding a subgrant under section
2223 to an eligible entity that--
``(i) serves children from birth through age 5
who are from families with income levels at or
below 200 percent of the Federal poverty line; or
``(ii) is a local educational agency serving a
high number or percentage of high-need schools.
``(e) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the
Secretary shall give priority to State educational agencies that will
use the grant funds for evidence-based activities, defined for the
purpose of this subsection as activities meeting the requirements of
section 8101(21)(A)(i).
``(f) State Activities.--
``(1) In general.--A State educational agency receiving a
grant under this section shall use not less than 95 percent of
such grant funds to award subgrants to eligible entities, based
on their needs assessment and a competitive application process.
``(2) Reservation.--A State educational agency receiving a
grant under this section may reserve not more than 5 percent for
activities identified through the needs assessment and
comprehensive literacy plan described in subparagraphs (A) and
(B) of subsection (d)(2), including the following activities:
``(A) Providing technical assistance, or engaging
qualified providers to provide technical assistance, to
eligible entities to enable the eligible entities to
design and implement literacy programs.
``(B) Coordinating with institutions of higher
education in the State to provide recommendations to
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and enhance pre-service courses for students preparing
to teach children from birth through grade 12 in
explicit, systematic, and intensive instruction in
evidence-based literacy methods.
``(C) Reviewing and updating, in collaboration with
teachers and institutions of higher education, State
licensure or certification standards in the area of
literacy instruction in early education through grade
``(D) Making publicly available, including on the
State educational agency's website, information on
promising instructional practices to improve child
literacy achievement.
``(E) Administering and monitoring the
implementation of subgrants by eligible entities.
``(3) Additional uses.--After carrying out the activities
described in paragraphs (1) and (2), a State educational agency
may use any remaining amount to carry out 1 or more of the
following activities:
``(A) Developing literacy coach training programs
and training literacy coaches.
``(B) Administration and evaluation of activities
carried out under this subpart.
``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to provide assistance
to prepare educators to improve educational services for limited English
proficient children by--
``(1) supporting professional development programs and
activities to prepare teachers, pupil service personnel,
administrators, and other educational personnel working in
language instruction educational programs to provide effective
services to limited English proficient children;
``(2) incorporating curricula and resources concerning
appropriate and effective instruction and assessment
methodologies specific to limited English proficient children
into preservice and inservice professional development programs;
``(3) upgrading the qualifications and skills of non-
certified educational personnel, including paraprofessionals, to
enable such personnel to meet high professional standards for
educating limited English proficient children;
``(4) improving the quality of professional development
programs in schools or departments of education at institutions
of higher education, for educational personnel serving, or
preparing to serve, limited English proficient children; and
``(5) supporting the recruitment and training of prospective
educational personnel to serve limited English proficient
children by providing fellowships for undergraduate, graduate,
doctoral, and post-doctoral study related to the instruction of
such children.
``(b) Authorization.--
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``(1) In general.--The Secretary is authorized to award
grants under this section to--
``(A) State educational agencies;
``(B) local educational agencies;
``(C) institutions of higher education; or
``(D) consortia of one or more local educational
agencies, State educational agencies, institutions of
higher education, for-profit organizations, or nonprofit
``(2) Duration.--Each grant awarded under this section shall
be awarded for a period of not more than 4 years.
``(c) Authorized Activities.--Grants awarded under this section
shall be used to conduct high-quality professional development programs
and effective activities to improve the quality of instruction and
services provided to limited English proficient children, including--
``(1) implementing preservice and inservice professional
development programs for teachers who serve limited English
proficient children, administrators, and other educational
personnel who are preparing to provide educational services for
limited English proficient children, including professional
development programs that assist limited English proficient
children to attain English proficiency;
``(2) implementing school-based collaborative efforts among
teachers to improve instruction in core academic subjects,
especially reading, for limited English proficient children;
``(3) developing and implementing programs to assist
beginning teachers who serve limited English proficient children
with transitioning to the teaching profession, including
programs that provide mentoring and team teaching with trained
and experienced teachers;
``(4) implementing programs that support effective teacher
use of education technologies to improve instruction and
``(5) developing curricular materials and assessments for
teachers that are appropriate to the needs of limited English
proficient children, and that are aligned with challenging State
academic content and student academic achievement standards,
including materials and assessments that ensure limited English
proficient children attain English proficiency;
``(6) integrating and coordinating activities with entities
carrying out other programs consistent with the purpose of this
section and supported under this Act, or other Acts as
``(7) developing and implementing career ladder programs to
upgrade the qualifications and skills of non-certified
educational personnel working in, or preparing to work in,
language instruction educational programs to enable such
personnel to meet high professional standards, including
standards for certification and licensure as teachers;
``(8) developing and implementing activities to help recruit
and train secondary school students as teachers who serve
limited English proficient children;
``(9) providing fellowships and assistance for costs related
to enrollment in a course of study at an institution of higher
education that addresses the instruction of limited English
proficient children in such areas as teacher training, program
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administration, research, evaluation, and curriculum
development, and for the support of dissertation research
related to such study, except that any person receiving such a
fellowship or assistance shall agree to--
``(A) work in an activity related to improving the
educational services for limited English proficient
children authorized under this subpart, including work
as a teacher that serves limited English proficient
children, for a period of time equivalent to the period
of time during which such person receives assistance
under this paragraph; or
``(B) repay such assistance; and
``(10) carrying out such other activities as are consistent
with the purpose of this section.
``(d) Application.--
``(1) In general.--Each eligible entity desiring a grant
under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary
at such time, in such form, and containing such information as
the Secretary may require.
``(2) Contents.--Each application shall--
``(A) describe the programs and activities proposed
to be developed, implemented, and administered under the
``(B) describe how the applicant has consulted with,
and assessed the needs of, public and private schools
serving limited English proficient children to determine
such schools' need for, and the design of, the program
for which funds are sought; and
``(C) describe how the programs and activities to be
carried out under the award will be used to ensure that
limited English proficient children meet challenging
State academic content and student academic achievement
standards and attain English proficiency.
``(3) Special rule.--An eligible entity that proposes to
conduct a master's-level or doctoral-level program with funds
received under this section shall include in the entity's
application an assurance that such program will include a
training practicum in a local elementary school or secondary
school program serving limited English proficient children.
``(4) Outreach and technical assistance.--The Secretary
shall provide for outreach and technical assistance to
institutions of higher education eligible for assistance under
title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and institutions
of higher education that are operated or funded by the Bureau of
Indian Affairs, to facilitate the participation of such
institutions in programs and activities under this section.
``(5) Distribution rule.--In making awards under this
section, the Secretary shall ensure adequate representation of
Hispanic-serving institutions that demonstrate competence and
experience in carrying out the programs and activities
authorized under this section and that are otherwise qualified.
``(e) Priorities in Awarding Grants.--
``(1) Grants to agencies.--In awarding grants to State
educational agencies and local educational agencies under this
section, the Secretary shall give priority to agencies that
propose programs and activities designed to implement
professional development programs for teachers and educational
personnel who are providing or preparing to provide educational
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services for limited English proficient children, including
services provided through language instruction educational
programs, that ensure such children attain English proficiency
and meet challenging State academic content and student academic
achievement standards.
``(2) Grants to institutions of higher education.--In
awarding grants to institutions of higher education under this
section, the Secretary shall give priority to institutions that
propose programs and activities to recruit and upgrade the
qualifications and skills of certified and non-certified
educational personnel by offering degree programs that prepare
beginning teachers to serve limited English proficient children.
``(f) Program Evaluations.--Each recipient of an award under this
section for a program or activity shall annually conduct an independent
evaluation of the program or activity and submit to the Secretary a
report containing such evaluation. Such report shall include information
``(1) the program or activity conducted by the recipient to
provide high-quality professional development to participants in
such program or activity;
``(2) the number of participants served through the program
or activity, the number of participants who completed the
requirements of the program or activity, and the number of
participants who took positions in an instruction setting with
limited English proficient children;
``(3) the effectiveness of the program or activity in
imparting the professional skills necessary for participants to
achieve the objectives of the program or activity; and
``(4) the teaching effectiveness of graduates of the program
or activity or other participants who have completed the program
or activity.