SEC. 2104
Section Summary
ESSA Update
``SEC. 2104. <<NOTE: 20 USC 6614.>> REPORTING.
``(a) State Report.--Each State educational agency receiving funds
under this part shall annually submit to the Secretary a report that
``(1) a description of how the State is using grant funds
received under this part to meet the purpose of this title, and
how such chosen activities improved teacher, principal, or other
school leader effectiveness, as determined by the State or local
educational agency;
``(2) if funds are used under this part to improve equitable
access to teachers for low-income and minority students,
consistent with section 1111(g)(1)(B), a description of how
funds have been used to improve such access;
``(3) for a State that implements a teacher, principal, or
other school leader evaluation and support system, consistent
with section 2101(c)(4)(B)(ii), using funds under this part, the
evaluation results of teachers, principals, or other school
leaders, except that such information shall not provide
personally identifiable information on individual teachers,
principals, or other school leaders; and
``(4) where available, the annual retention rates of
effective and ineffective teachers, principals, or other school
leaders, using any methods or criteria the State has or develops
under section 1111(g)(2)(A), except that nothing in this
paragraph shall be construed to require any State educational
agency or local educational agency to collect and report any
data the State educational agency or local educational agency is
not collecting or reporting as of the day before the date of
enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
``(b) Local Educational Agency Report.--Each local educational
agency receiving funds under this part shall submit to the State
educational agency such information as the State requires, which shall
include the information described in subsection (a) for the local
educational agency.
``(c) Availability.--The reports and information provided under
subsections (a) and (b) shall be made readily available to the public.
``(d) Limitation.--The reports and information provided under
subsections (a) and (b) shall not reveal personally identifiable
information about any individual.
``(a) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> States.--Based upon the evaluations
provided to a State educational agency under section 3121, each such
agency that receives a grant under this part shall prepare and submit
every second year to the Secretary a report on programs and activities
carried out by the State educational agency under this part and the
effectiveness of such programs and activities in improving the education
provided to children who are limited English proficient.
``(b) Secretary.--Every second year, the Secretary shall prepare and
submit to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and
Pensions of the Senate a report--
``(1) on programs and activities carried out to serve
limited English proficient children under this part, and the
effectiveness of such programs and activities in improving the
academic achievement and English proficiency of children who are
limited English proficient;
``(2) on the types of language instruction educational
programs used by local educational agencies or eligible entities
receiving funding under this part to teach limited English
proficient children;
``(3) containing a critical synthesis of data reported by
eligible entities to States under section 3121(a);
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``(4) containing a description of technical assistance and
other assistance provided by State educational agencies under
section 3111(b)(2)(C);
``(5) containing an estimate of the number of certified or
licensed teachers working in language instruction educational
programs and educating limited English proficient children, and
an estimate of the number of such teachers that will be needed
for the succeeding 5 fiscal years;
``(6) containing the major findings of scientifically based
research carried out under this part;
``(7) containing the number of programs or activities, if
any, that were terminated because the entities carrying out the
programs or activities were not able to reach program goals;
``(8) containing the number of limited English proficient
children served by eligible entities receiving funding under
this part who were transitioned out of language instruction
educational programs funded under this part into classrooms
where instruction is not tailored for limited English proficient
children; and
``(9) containing other information gathered from the
evaluations from specially qualified agencies and other reports
submitted to the Secretary under this title when applicable.