SEC. 1009
Section Summary
ESSA Update
Section 1115 (20 U.S.C. 6315) is amended--
(1) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following:
``(a) In General.--In all schools selected to receive funds under
section 1113(c) that are ineligible for a schoolwide program under
section 1114, have not received a waiver under section 1114(a)(1)(B) to
operate such a schoolwide program, or choose not to operate such a
schoolwide program, a local educational agency serving such school may
use funds received under this part only for programs that provide
services to eligible children under subsection (c) identified as having
the greatest need for special assistance.'';
(2) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) as subsections
(c) and (b), respectively, and moving those redesignated
subsections so as to appear in alphabetical order;
[[Page 129 STAT. 1866]]
(3) by striking subsection (b), as redesignated by paragraph
(2), and inserting the following:
``(b) Targeted Assistance School Program.--To assist targeted
assistance schools and local educational agencies to meet their
responsibility to provide for all their students served under this part
the opportunity to meet the challenging State academic standards, each
targeted assistance program under this section shall--
``(1) determine which students will be served;
``(2) serve participating students identified as eligible
children under subsection (c), including by--
``(A) using resources under this part to help
eligible children meet the challenging State academic
standards, which may include programs, activities, and
academic courses necessary to provide a well-rounded
``(B) using methods and instructional strategies to
strengthen the academic program of the school through
activities, which may include--
``(i) expanded learning time, before- and
after-school programs, and summer programs and
opportunities; and
``(ii) a schoolwide tiered model to prevent
and address behavior problems, and early
intervening services, coordinated with similar
activities and services carried out under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20
U.S.C. 1400 et seq.);
``(C) coordinating with and supporting the regular
education program, which may include services to assist
preschool children in the transition from early
childhood education programs such as Head Start, the
literacy program under subpart 2 of part B of title II,
or State-run preschool programs to elementary school
``(D) providing professional development with
resources provided under this part, and, to the extent
practicable, from other sources, to teachers,
principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals,
and, if appropriate, specialized instructional support
personnel, and other school personnel who work with
eligible children in programs under this section or in
the regular education program;
``(E) implementing strategies to increase the
involvement of parents of eligible children in
accordance with section 1116; and
``(F) if appropriate and applicable, coordinating
and integrating Federal, State, and local services and
programs, such as programs supported under this Act,
violence prevention programs, nutrition programs,
housing programs, Head Start programs, adult education
programs, career and technical education programs, and
comprehensive support and improvement activities or
targeted support and improvement activities under
section 1111(d); and
``(G) provide to the local educational agency
assurances that the school will--
``(i) help provide an accelerated, high-
quality curriculum;
``(ii) minimize the removal of children from
the regular classroom during regular school hours
for instruction provided under this part; and
[[Page 129 STAT. 1867]]
``(iii) on an ongoing basis, review the
progress of eligible children and revise the
targeted assistance program under this section, if
necessary, to provide additional assistance to
enable such children to meet the challenging State
academic standards.'';
(4) in subsection (c), as redesignated by paragraph (2)--
(A) in paragraph (1)(B)--
(i) by striking ``the State's challenging
student academic achievement standards'' and
inserting ``the challenging State academic
standards''; and
(ii) by striking ``such criteria as teacher
judgment, interviews with parents, and
developmentally appropriate measures'' and
inserting ``criteria, including objective
criteria, established by the local educational
agency and supplemented by the school''; and
(B) in paragraph (2)--
(i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``limited
English proficient children'' and inserting
``English learners'';
(ii) in subparagraph (B)--
(I) by striking the heading and
inserting ``head start and preschool
children''; and
(II) by striking ``Head Start, Even
Start, or Early Reading First program,''
and inserting ``Head Start program, the
literacy program under subpart 2 of part
B of title II,''; and
(iii) in subparagraph (C), by striking the
heading and inserting ``migrant children'';
(5) in subsection (e)--
(A) in paragraph (2)(B)--
(i) by striking ``and'' at the end of clause
(ii) by redesignating clause (iii) as clause
(v); and
(iii) by inserting after clause (ii) the
following new clauses:
``(iii) family support and engagement
``(iv) integrated student supports; and''; and
(iv) in clause (v), as redesignated by clause
(iii), by striking ``pupil services'' and
inserting ``specialized instructional support'';
(B) by striking paragraph (3); and
(6) by adding at the end the following:
``(f) Use of Funds for Dual or Concurrent Enrollment Programs.--A
secondary school operating a targeted assistance program under this
section may use funds received under this part to provide dual or
concurrent enrollment program services described under section 1114(e)
to eligible children under subsection (c)(1)(B) who are identified as
having the greatest need for special assistance.
``(g) Prohibition.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to
authorize the Secretary or any other officer or employee of the Federal
Government to require a local educational agency or school to submit the
results of a comprehensive needs assessment or plan under section
1114(b), or a program described in subsection (b), for review or
approval by the Secretary.
``(h) Delivery of Services.--The services of a targeted assistance
program under this section may be delivered by nonprofit
[[Page 129 STAT. 1868]]
or for-profit external providers with expertise in using evidence-based
or other effective strategies to improve student achievement.''.
``(a) In General.--In all schools selected to receive funds under
section 1113(c) that are ineligible for a schoolwide program under
section 1114, or that choose not to operate such a schoolwide program, a
local educational agency serving such school may use funds received
under this part only for programs that provide services to eligible
children under subsection (b) identified as having the greatest need for
special assistance.
``(b) Eligible Children.--
``(1) Eligible population.--
``(A) In general.--The eligible population for
services under this section is--
``(i) children not older than age 21 who are
entitled to a free public education through grade
12; and
``(ii) children who are not yet at a grade
level at which the local educational agency
provides a free public education.
``(B) Eligible children from eligible population.--
From the population described in subparagraph (A),
eligible children are children identified by the school
as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the
State's challenging student academic achievement
standards on the basis of multiple, educationally
related, objective criteria established by the local
educational agency and supplemented by the school,
except that children from preschool through grade 2
shall be selected solely on the basis of such criteria
as teacher judgment, interviews with parents, and
developmentally appropriate measures.
[[Page 115 STAT. 1476]]
``(2) Children included.--
``(A) In general.--Children who are economically
disadvantaged, children with disabilities, migrant
children or limited English proficient children, are
eligible for services under this part on the same basis
as other children selected to receive services under
this part.
``(B) Head start, even start, or early reading first
children.--A child who, at any time in the 2 years
preceding the year for which the determination is made,
participated in a Head Start, Even Start, or Early
Reading First program, or in preschool services under
this title, is eligible for services under this part.
``(C) Part c children.--A child who, at any time in
the 2 years preceding the year for which the
determination is made, received services under part C is
eligible for services under this part.
``(D) Neglected or delinquent children.--A child in
a local institution for neglected or delinquent children
and youth or attending a community day program for such
children is eligible for services under this part.
``(E) Homeless children.--A child who is homeless
and attending any school served by the local educational
agency is eligible for services under this part.
``(3) Special rule.--Funds received under this part may not
be used to provide services that are otherwise required by law
to be made available to children described in paragraph (2) but
may be used to coordinate or supplement such services.
``(c) Components of a Targeted Assistance School Program.--
``(1) In general.--To assist targeted assistance schools and
local educational agencies to meet their responsibility to
provide for all their students served under this part the
opportunity to meet the State's challenging student academic
achievement standards in subjects as determined by the State,
each targeted assistance program under this section shall--
``(A) use such program's resources under this part
to help participating children meet such State's
challenging student academic achievement standards
expected for all children;
``(B) ensure that planning for students served under
this part is incorporated into existing school planning;
``(C) use effective methods and instructional
strategies that are based on scientifically based
research that strengthens the core academic program of
the school and that--
``(i) give primary consideration to providing
extended learning time, such as an extended school
year, before- and after-school, and summer
programs and opportunities;
``(ii) help provide an accelerated, high-
quality curriculum, including applied learning;
``(iii) minimize removing children from the
regular classroom during regular school hours for
instruction provided under this part;
``(D) coordinate with and support the regular
education program, which may include services to assist
preschool children in the transition from early
childhood programs
[[Page 115 STAT. 1477]]
such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First or
State-run preschool programs to elementary school
``(E) provide instruction by highly qualified
``(F) in accordance with subsection (e)(3) and
section 1119, provide opportunities for professional
development with resources provided under this part,
and, to the extent practicable, from other sources, for
teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals, including,
if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and
other staff, who work with participating children in
programs under this section or in the regular education
``(G) provide strategies to increase parental
involvement in accordance with section 1118, such as
family literacy services; and
``(H) coordinate and integrate Federal, State, and
local services and programs, including programs
supported under this Act, violence prevention programs,
nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult
education, vocational and technical education, and job
``(2) Requirements.--Each school conducting a program under
this section shall assist participating children selected in
accordance with subsection (b) to meet the State's proficient
and advanced levels of achievement by--
``(A) the coordinating of resources provided under
this part with other resources; and
``(B) reviewing, on an ongoing basis, the progress
of participating children and revising the targeted
assistance program, if necessary, to provide additional
assistance to enable such children to meet the State's
challenging student academic achievement standards, such
as an extended school year, before- and after-school,
and summer programs and opportunities, training for
teachers regarding how to identify students who need
additional assistance, and training for teachers
regarding how to implement student academic achievement
standards in the classroom.
``(d) Integration of Professional Development.--To promote the
integration of staff supported with funds under this part into the
regular school program and overall school planning and improvement
efforts, public school personnel who are paid with funds received under
this part may--
``(1) participate in general professional development and
school planning activities; and
``(2) assume limited duties that are assigned to similar
personnel who are not so paid, including duties beyond classroom
instruction or that do not benefit participating children, so
long as the amount of time spent on such duties is the same
proportion of total work time as prevails with respect to
similar personnel at the same school.
``(e) Special Rules.--
``(1) Simultaneous service.--Nothing in this section shall
be construed to prohibit a school from serving students under
this section simultaneously with students with similar
educational needs, in the same educational settings where
``(2) Comprehensive services.--If--
[[Page 115 STAT. 1478]]
``(A) health, nutrition, and other social services
are not otherwise available to eligible children in a
targeted assistance school and such school, if
appropriate, has engaged in a comprehensive needs
assessment and established a collaborative partnership
with local service providers; and
``(B) funds are not reasonably available from other
public or private sources to provide such services, then
a portion of the funds provided under this part may be
used as a last resort to provide such services,
``(i) the provision of basic medical
equipment, such as eyeglasses and hearing aids;
``(ii) compensation of a coordinator; and
``(iii) professional development necessary to
assist teachers, pupil services personnel, other
staff, and parents in identifying and meeting the
comprehensive needs of eligible children.
``(3) Professional development.--Each school receiving funds
under this part for any fiscal year shall devote sufficient
resources to carry out effectively the professional development
activities described in subparagraph (F) of subsection (c)(1) in
accordance with section 1119 for such fiscal year, and a school
may enter into a consortium with another school to carry out
such activities.